FIFO – First in First out
FiFo is a warehousing-related principle. The parts that were loaded in first are the once next in line to get picked.
Most commonly known as FiFo is that a shelf system is filled on one side with goods, which are later removed on the other side: The (strict) FiFo principle (First in - First out) works according to this method.
The FiFo storage principle is recommended when you have components of only one type in one line stored and it has to be ensured that the oldest loaded unit is set first so it will be always removed first. It is suitable for the optimized provision of goods in production and assembly and in industries in which the consideration of factors such as the best-before date of foodstuff is essential.
FiFo - First in First out
In accordance with the strict FiFo principle, the provision of the stored goods takes place purely under the aspect of access sequence, as it is automatically the case with a flow rack, without any further precautions being required. In the moderated FiFo principle, groups of loading units are considered to be the same (e.g. all articles with the same minimum best-before range) or criteria such as shorter withdrawal distances are used as a basis.